Channel: tracy munn – Soul and Spirit
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Raise Your Vibration With The Power Of Crystals & Essentials Oils!


Tracy Munn shows you how to use crystals and essential oils to get those frequencies and your mood soaring high

“Crystals can be used with essential oils with the intention of reaching a healthier emotional state. Crystals and pure essential oils hold a very high vibrational frequency, creating the potential for the body to raise its frequency and vibration, allowing healing to take place. My favourite way to combine essential oils and crystals is by wearing diffuser gemstone jewellery.

“Diffuser gemstone jewellery is a combination of lava stone beads and other crystals. Black lava stone has a porous texture, which enables it to absorb essential oil. Just put one to two drops of essential oil on the lava stone and leave it to dry before wearing the jewellery (such as a bracelet). You can just use a lava stone and carry that around with you, too. Essential oils use your body heat, and as the oils are exposed to your body temperature via the diffuser jewellery you are wearing, they will naturally diffuse into the space around you.

“If you do not like wearing jewellery, you could try applying essential oil directly onto the body and placing a crystal on top while relaxing or meditating. Apply essential oil topically to touch points on the body such as the back of the neck, over the heart, wrists, down the spine, bottoms of feet, temples and forehead, or just diffuse an oil in a diffuser while sitting quietly holding your chosen crystals. When working with crystals and essential oils, identify the emotional or physical condition and find the essential oil and crystal combination that offers the support you are looking for. Then, use them together. Alternatively, gemstone and crystal rollerball bottles are small pocket-size bottles that can be carried with you, and are ideal for those hectic moments. Gently roll the ball onto pulse points as required. Or, create your own aura spray by placing small crystals inside a small bottle, filling with water and adding your chosen essential oil.”

Calming crystals and oils

“If you’re feeling stressed and your vibration is low, bergamot, lavender, ylang ylang or chamomile are good essential oils to choose from. Pair with either Rose Quartz, Green Aventurine, Mangano Calcite or Lepidolite (or your chosen crystal). Place your crystal in a cotton handkerchief and annoint it with an essential oil, then take a few calming breaths. Take a long, slow breath in through your nose, filling your lungs. Hold your breath to the count of three. Exhale slowly through pursed lips, while you relax the muscles in your face, jaw, shoulders and stomach. Do the breathing exercise for as long as it takes to calm the stress and anxiety. Keep your crystal with you for when you need it throughout the day. Before bed, an Amethyst crystal and lavender essential oil would be top of my list, but you could equally chose vetiver, as this helps switch your brain off. Chamomile, marjoram and cedarwood help aid a peaceful sleep, and work well when paired with Rose Quartz, Howlite or Hematite. These crystals and oils can also be placed in bath water. After your bath, place your crystal inside your pillowcase and apply your essential oil to the bottoms of your feet and wrists.”

Apply away!

“There are instances in which you can apply essential oils directly onto a crystal (if you wish to do so). This can be done as long as the crystal has a Mohs hardness of five or higher. Check online if you are unsure before applying your essential oil. Crystals from the Quartz family are perfect to use, and are among the safest crystals to use. They have a Mohs hardness of seven. Examples of Quartz crystals are Clear Quartz, Rose Quartz, Amethyst, Smoky Quartz and Citrine. Lava stone as previously mentioned is perfect for adding drops of essential oils and can retain the scent for up to several days! Avoid crystals with a Mohs hardness of four and lower. Due to being softer and more porous, there is a higher chance of them eroding faster from coming into contact with the oils. Examples would be Selenite and Celestite. I do personally find however that if a crystal is highly polished, then I can use it, but only you can judge with your own set of stones. Fluorite would be an example of a crystal with a Mohs hardness of four that I have used with essential oils. Enjoy experimenting with your scents and stones – here’s to a more relaxed and mindful you!”

Meet Tracy…

Tracy Munn is a crystal healer who owns a crystal shop in Essex called The Crystal Tree. More information can be found at the-crystal-tree.co.uk

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